
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

オカナガナゼミ (Okanagana vanduzeei) Vanduzee's Cicada

  • 062616  CA LA co C MCSP 11:30
  • 正午頃には華氏93度。湿度26%。風はSE. 9.3mph午後3時頃には華氏100度。
  • 本種は昼前までのほうが活発な印象。午後になると鳴き声が少なくなる。
  • 草むらの地面すれすれの茎部分で見つけられる。
  • 本種の鳴き声のほうが、Red-winged Grass Cicadaよりも高音。
  • 採集地にて本種がつかまりやすそうな野草を採取。いけばな風に剣山にアレンジしてネットケージで飼育開始。スイカ飼育も実験中だが、自ら集まってくるわけではないので、ネットに飛び移ったものから強制的にスイカに移動させることを一日数回実行。ほとんどはすぐに離れてしまうが、時折、口吻をスイカに突き刺しているように見えてしかも約30分スイカの上でじっとしている様子も確認できた。
  • 次回は午前中の鳴き始める時間帯を確認すること。
  • 062916: 午前9時頃から一匹が鳴き始める。日差しが強くあたる環境。羽を少しだけ広げて移動しながら鳴く。
  • 063016: 一匹が4日目にして★。標本は羽を広げて作成すること。

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

コガネカブト(Cyclocephala pasadenae)Masked Chafer


  • 062116. LAco. CA mdr. 
  • 本種については昨年同様。
  • C. hirtaおよびC. longulaについてはまずはwrでltすること。C. melanocephalaを見つけるべくkgrに朝方出向くのも一案。
  • 産卵飼育の方法についても要リサーチ。シューケースで栽培できる芝生を見つけること。
  • 米国東部のコガネカブト:northern masked chafer (C. borealis)、米国南東部: southern masked chafer (C. lurida)、米国南西部:C. pasadenae およびC. hirta、フロリダ州限定:C. parallela。
  • 「Field Guide To Beetles Of California」 (Arthur V. Evans and James N. Hogue著)116頁より以下抜粋:
  • "Masked chafers of the genus Cyclocephala are restricted to the New World, with 250 species known primarily from the tropics.  The name “masked chafer” is derived from the fact that some species have a dark band connecting the eyes. Five species in California are distributed throughout the coastal plains, valleys, foothills,and deserts in summer. Cyclocephala hirta (10.5 to 14.0 mm) is yellowish brown with short hairs scattered over its body and is the only California species with a “bead,” or lip, along the posterior margin of the pronotum.  It is often encountered in large numbers on summer nights, swarming over grassy areas at dusk or attracted to lights at night.  A slightly darker, less hairy species, C. pasadenae (12.0 to 14.0 mm) (pl. 74) is also widespread and common in residential areas.  Cyclocephala longula (11.0to 14.3mm)is a bit more slender than the previous species, and its head and pronotum are slightly darker than the elytra.  This species is more common in the deserts and surrounding foothills.  Another species,distinctly bicolored, C. melanocephala (10.6 to 15.0 mm), is occasionally found at lights but is more often found deep inside the flowers of Iimson weed (Datura).  The elytra are pale yellowish brown, but the head and pronotum are dark reddish brown to black.  It is distributed from the south western United States to Argentina."
  • 062416: 5AM. 一匹。21日より1−2匹のペース継続中。
  • 062516: 0匹。気温が数日前に比べて低くなっている。
  • 062616: 1匹
  • 062716: 2匹
  • 062816: 4匹
  • 062916: 2匹
  • 063016: 3匹


オカナガナゼミ (Okanagana vanduzeei) Vanduzee's Cicada

Nuttall's Scrub Oak

Family科:Cicadidae (Cicadas)
Species種:vanduzeei (Okanagana vanduzeei)

  • 062216. LA co. CA. mcsp. 3pm. 93F.
  • かなりの風。数匹の鳴き声を確認できた場所はあまり風の影響を受けない地形の低地のみ。
  • 草むらの中にポツポツとあるNuttall's Scrub Oak。枝は本種でもしがみつきやすいサイズ。
  • この茶色味のある全体的な印象が本種の特徴。
  • 鳴き声は金属質ながら細く弱め。強い日差しであればあるほど無心に鳴く印象。枯れ草を踏み抜く足音も風で消された可能性あり。
  • 本種に関連するDiscription(Journal of the New York Entomological Society. March 1915 VAN DUZEE: WEST COAST CICADIDAE 37頁より);23. Okanagana vanduzeei Dist. Distant, Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., Ser. S, XIV, p. 165, 1914. This species differs from rimosa in averaging a little smaller, in having the pale marks less extended and especially in having the last ventral segment of the male shorter and broader and truncated or somewhat emarginate at apex and the male valve obviously shorter, extending but about 3 mm. beyond the apex of the last ventral segment and the uncus is distinctly hooked at apex. The surface is more greyish from the presence of short deciduous scale-like hairs and has less of the polished blue-black tint seen in rimosa. The face also is more heavily clothed with long whitish hairs.  The type locality for this species is San Diego Co., Calif., but Dr. Van Dyke has taken it from as far north as Mt. Rainier, Wash., where he found it at an altitude of 6,000 feet. It seems to be the most generallv distributed of our west coast Cicadas. 24. Okanagana vanduzeei var. consobrina Dist. Distant, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 8, XIV, p. 165, 1914. This form differs from typical vanduzeei in being a little larger and apparently if not actually a little broader, and in being more hairy, with the surface more closely clothed with appressed yellowish deciduous scale-like hairs. It also has the pale colors much more extended with the elytral nervures pale on their basal one half. The male uncus scarcely differs from that of vanduseei. Its more hairy surface, paler colors and more compact oval form gives this species a much more distinct appearance than its structural characters will justify. 
  • 録音データ: https://sites.google.com/site/cicadasoundsfile/home/okanagana-vanduzeei
  • オカナガナ属でカリフォルニア州で47種:"Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico", Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips 著 168p Table1、からカリフォルニア産種のみ抜粋。2013年4月9日出版。本種については42番。
  • 062816. スイカ飼育実験中。本日で6日目。
  • 062916. 追加二匹と区別がつかないものの、おそらく★。7日目。

    1. O. annulata Davis
    2. O. arboraria Wymore
    3. O. arctostaphylae Van Duzee
    4. O. aurora Davis
    5. O. bella Davis
    6. O. canadensis (Provancher)
    7. O. canescens Van Duzee
    8. O. catalina Davis
    9. O. cruentifera (Uhler)
    10. O. ferrugomaculata Davis
    11. O. fratercula Davis
    12. O. gibbera Davis
    13. O. hesperia (Uhler)
    14. O. hirsuta Davis
    15. O. luteobasalis Davis
    16. O. magnifica Davis
    17. O. mariposa mariposa Davis
    18. O. napa Davis
    19. O. nigriviridis Davis
    20. O. nigrodorsata Davis
    21. O. occidentalis (Walker)
    22. O. opacipennis Davis
    23. O. oregona Davis
    24. O. orithyia Bliven
    25. O. ornata Van Duzee
    26. O. pallidula Davis
    27. O. pernix Bliven
    28. O. rhadine Bliven
    29. O. rimosa rimosa (Say)
    30. O. rubrovenosa Davis
    31. O. salicicola Bliven
    32. O. sequoiae Bliven
    33. O. simulata Davis
    34. O. sperata Van Duzee
    35. O. striatipes (Haldeman)
    36. O. synodica synodica (Say)
    37. O. triangulata Davis
    38. O. tristis tristis Van Duzee
    39. O. tristis rubrobasalis Davis
    40. O. uncinata Van Duzee
    41. O. utahensis Davis
    42. O. vanduzeei Distant
    43. O. vandykei Van Duzee
    44. O. venusta Davis
    45. O. villosa Davis
    46. O. vocalis Bliven
    47. O. wymorei Davis 
  • nhmに出向いた際に、Okanagana mercedita=Tibicinoides mercedita、とTibicinoides cupreosparsus、そしてOkanagana vanduzeeiの3つの標本を見比べてみること。
  • Cicada Maniaによれば、Okanagana vanduzeeiは1)Black with yellow. Hairy.2)Eye Color: light white3)Pronotal Collar Color: yellow。
  • JC氏にコンタクトできた際には、上記3種の相違点について質問してみること、形状や鳴き声など。BQで蝉の標本を入手することから始めるのも一案。
  • day3: Nuttall's Scrub Oakを生花風にアレンジしたものにしがみついたまま固まってしまったように動かない。水を含ませただけのペーパータオルは失敗。黒蜜を前回の倍以上に薄めて再挑戦。
  • Edward Payson Van Duzee(1861-1940)
  • "Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico"(著者:Allen F. SanbornおよびPolly K. Phillips)
  • “Cicadas of the genera Okanagana, Tibicinoides and Okanagodes, with descriptions of several new species” (著者William T Davis)Journal of the New York Entomological Society 1919 27(2/3)
  • "VAN DUZEE: WEST COAST CICADIDAE"(Journal of the New York Entomological Society. March 1915 37頁)



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

セミ(Tibicinoides cupreosparsa)Red-winged Grass Cicada

  • 062116. tcsp. 
  • Oak treeの高い位置から鳴き声を確認。しかも、これまでに聞いたことのないタイプ。気配に敏感で近ずくと鳴き止んでしまう。加えて、最長でも1分程度で、10分以上休止してから別な場所で鳴くが、Oak treeの森に限定され、草むらではその声を聞くことはなかった。
  • カリフォルニア州で確認されているTibicinoides属はT. cupreosparsa、T. mercedita 及びT. minutaの3種。このうち、"Insects of The Los Angeles Basin"で紹介されているのはT. cupreosparsa。
  • Platypedia laticapitataの鳴き声はいつものスポット周辺でもまったく聞くことはなかった。シーズン終了。
  • こまめに通って、まずは一番鳴く時間帯を確認すること。
  • 抜け殻を探すこと。

Thursday, June 16, 2016

セミ (Tibicinoides cupreosparsus) Red-winged Grass Cicada


Family科:Cicadidae (Cicadas)
Species種:cupreosparsus (Tibicinoides cupreosparsus)

  • 2016-6-116。US/CA/LAco/kgr。午後3時。気温79F。久しぶりの朝からの快晴。
  • Purple Needle GrassもしくはPurple Needle Grass。
  • 鳴き声は高音、金属質。
  • 声をたよりに草むらをかき分けるとどうしても気配を消せないが、近づいては止まり、近づいては止まりを繰り返せば目視及び録音も可能。
  • 本種がOak Treeで鳴いているところを未だみたことがない。キリギリスのように草むらで鳴く蝉。
  • 今後の課題は、鳴き声をじっくりと録音することと、周辺から抜け殻を見つけ出すこと。
  • day2:太陽光の動きに合わせてネット内を移動している傾向が見られる。明日は日照時間の長い場所にネットケージを移動させてみること。
  • Insects of the Los Angeles Basin 123頁に本種に関する説明文あっても、生きていた時には羽を閉じている姿しか見ることができなかったので同定困難だったが、標本作成途中に羽を広げてみて初めて本種の特徴である羽の根元部分の朱色を確認することができた。
  • かなり小さい蝉であるため、羽が広げにくい。ハガロンで軟化させることができた。
  • California Insects(著者: Jerry A. Powell、Charles L. Hogue) 114頁に本種であることがわかる記載あり。、以下抜粋;Red-winged Grass Cicada. Tibicinoides cupreosparsus. ADULT: Small (BL 20mm; WL 15mm); body black, with bright red areas at bases of blackish clouded wings. Male is a feeble singer; found in grass-covered hillsides; probably uses various species of grasses and herbaceous plants as hosts both in the adult and nymphal stages. RANGE: Brush and grasslands of southern California, Los Angeles, San Diego, and western Riverside counties.
  • Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico(著者Allen F. Sanborn及びPolly K. Phillips)225頁で、本種が南カリフォルニアでのみ生息することが確認されている。
  • Day3:花瓶+黒蜜を薄めた水+ペーパータオル+ゴム輪。とまらせてみること半日かけて数回目にして、どうやら餌として認知した様子(すぐにネットに飛び移ることなく、蜜を吸うのに適当なポジションを探したあとは同じ場所にじっとしている)を確認。
  • Cicada of California(1954年)153頁によれば、草むらに限定して生息している種は、Okanagana mercedita及びOkanagana triangulataとある。以下、両種に関する記述を“New Species of Cicadas from California and Utah”(著者Wm. T. Davis)より抜粋;“New Species of Cicadas from California and Utah”(著者Wm. T. Davis)Journal of the New York Entomological Society Vol. 23, No. 1 (Mar., 1915), pp. 11-21 14頁 Okanagana triangulata new species. Type male, Mendocino Co., California, May 10 , 1910.  The triangular or obconical black area at the base of the abdomen is a conspicuous character of this insect. Length 21 mm ; to tip of the wings 25 mm ; fore wing 8 by 20 mm. Head small and narrower than the front margin of the prothorax; the front produced and a little blunter than in synodica; the supra-antennal plates with outer edge nearly rounded, and the sulcus extending from the central ocilus backward to the posterior margins quite deep. The median sulcus on the front rather shallow and almost obliterated at its upper end; transverse rugae as in synodica. Pronotum 3.5 by 8 mm., the sides not parallel but converging toward the eyes as in synodica, the humeral angles rounded, beyond a rather deep sinus extending about one half of the distance toward the anterior angles which are prominent and not so much bent downward as in synodica.  Opercula oblique, sides sinuated. Last ventral segment with the base a little longer than the sides which converge to the truncated tip. Valve of the male broader and proportionately shorter than in synodica.  Uncus viewed in profile not hooked but with a sinuation near the tip not present in synodica; when viewed from above, produced into two points with a considerable intervening notch, instead of being truncated with a shallow sinuation as in synodica.  Fore wings with the basal areole narrowed to an obliquely rounded apex; both pairs of wings suffused at the base with tetaceous; fore and hind flaps ornamented with bright orange.  Veins of the fore wings testaceous, not fuscous beyond the middle as in synodica.  The dorsum of this species is black and yellow sparsely covered with golden hairs. Head above with the elevations black except an extended spot of black on each supra‐antennal plate; depressions pale. Pronotum except the anterior angles margined with pale particularly broad on the hind margin; the elevations mostly black, the pale color extending irregularly upward from the grooves on to the sides. Mesonotum black, edged behind and to the fore wings with orange; X black at center, edged with orange; four pale spots in front of the X arranged in a semicircle, and at the tip of each anterior line of the X there is a conspicuous, light yellow, impressed puncture.  From the base of each fore wing there extends an oblong spot having a clouded central area. Metanotum with posterior edge dull orange. Dorsum of the abdomen with a basal obconical black area with the hind margin of each segment yellow and on the sides two rows of spots more or less incomplete.  The last segment is all yellow with indications of two basal spots. Supra-anal plate not as deeply notched at the end as in synodica, black above edged with yellow below; uncus yellow. Beneath, the valve, also the abdominal segments entirely yellow. except a conspicuous black line on the posterior margin of the first segment. Legs yellow, streaked and spotted with black.  The type was collected by Mr . Nunenmacher. In the collection of the American Museum of Natural History there is a female from Angel Island, California, that probably belongs to this species, though the basal areole of the elytra is not so narrowed to a rounded apex as in the male type.  However, otherwise it appears to be the same.  The last ventral segment has a broad V‐shaped notch extending about half of the way to its base. 同16頁 Okanagana mercedita new species. Type male, Merced Co., California, June 18, 1914. Length 19mm.; to the tip of the wings 21mm; fore wing 6.5 by 17 mm. Head about as broad as the front margin of the pronotum, the front produced nearly as in synodica; sopra-antennal plates with outer edge rounded.  The median sulcus on the front rather broad, with the sides sinuated. Pronotum 3 by 7.5 mm , the sides not parallel, the humeral angles rounded and the anterior angles bent downward. Opercula oblique, sides sinuated. Last ventral segment with the base longer than the sides which converge to the rounded end. Valve is long as in synodica (5 mm.).  Uncus when viewed in profile, hooked; when viewed from above narrowed toward the deeply notched apex. Fore wings with the basal areole oblong and square at apex; both pairs of wings more transparent than in synodica and triangulata, with the veins commencing at the transverse fold infuscated.  Costa of the fore wings yellowish; all of the wings fuscous and bright orange at base; flaps bright orange.  The dorsum of this species is blackish sparingly covered with light colored appressed hairs. Head above black with a light colored band in front of the anterior ocellus and extending on to the supra-antennal plates where there is an enclosed black spot over each antenna; a light spot on the median sulcus extends to the posterior margin.  Pronotum with the central portion black except some of the grooves, and irregularly margined with pale except the hind margin which is more definitely banded. Mesonotum black with two light colored streaks on the anterior part being the exterior lines of the often present W-mark of some species; below these the X, which is light colored and joins on to the light colored band encircling the posterior part of the mesonotum.  At the tip of each anterior line of the X there is a black impressed puncture.  Metanotum with posterior edge greenish yellow. Dorsum of the abdomen black with the segments narrowly edged with yellow except the last segment which is yellowish with a large irregular spot dorsally and a faint, narrow one each side.  In the dorsal spot there are indications of two small included light spots at the base of the segment. Supra-anal plate dorsally black with the sides yellow. Uncus yellow shaded with brown, particularly at the tip. Beneath, the valve yellow, also the posterior margins of the abdominal segments, the last one having the entire central area yellow. Each ventral segment has two dark Spots, one on each side of the central area. The opercula yellow touched with orange and black.  Legs yellow streaked and spotted with black.  A paratypic female has the hind margin of the last ventral segment deeply notched almost to the base; the segment is pale with a black spot on either side; otherwise the female is colored as in the male.  In addition to the type and the female mentioned above, there are in the author’s collection 16 males and 14 females, all from Merced Co., California.  This series shows the transverse fold crossing the fore wings at the node, often considerably developed and in this respect approaching the much larger Tibicinoides hesperius, which it also resembles in color and markings more than it does synodica. Further the uncus is shaped much more like that of hesperius than synodica, the head, however, in form is more like the latter species.  The outer row of cells in the fore wing are proportionately short in mercedita, whereas they are long in hesperius and synodica. The front in hesperius is usually margined on the upper surface by a well-defined elevated ridge.
  • “A Preliminary Review of the West Coast Cicadidae” (著者E.P. Van Duzee)40頁にもOkanagana triangulataに関する記載あり。以下抜粋;Okanagana triangulata Davis, ante.   "This is our largest species of the synodica group.  It has prominent rounded supra-antennal plates;the basal areole of the elytra is decidedly narrowed to an obliquely rounded apex; the pale hind margin of the prontum is rather broad, the disk of mesonotum is black with the four pale spots small. The abdomen is pale with a large triangular black basal spot on the term reaching is a row of black marks along each side.  The last ventral segment is rather narrow at apex and almost truncated; valve long; uncut oblong, parallel sided, its apex slightly curved above with an arcuated notch beneath. "
  • day4:吸水なり食餌なりしたかと思いきや、急速に弱りだし、脚や羽を動かすことは出来ない状態。触るとブルブルと振動はするのでまだ生きているけれども。今後は与える砂糖水は今までの倍以上薄めたものにすること。採集初日より与えてみること。

  • オカナガナ属でカリフォルニア州で確認されている種は47:以下、参考文献"Biogeography of the Cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) of North America, North of Mexico", Allen F. Sanborn and Polly K. Phillips 著 168p Table1、よりカリフォルニア産種のみ抜粋。2013年4月9日出版。ただし、この中に本種の記載が見当たらない。
  1. O. annulata Davis
  2. O. arboraria Wymore
  3. O. arctostaphylae Van Duzee
  4. O. aurora Davis
  5. O. bella Davis
  6. O. canadensis (Provancher)
  7. O. canescens Van Duzee
  8. O. catalina Davis
  9. O. cruentifera (Uhler)
  10. O. ferrugomaculata Davis
  11. O. fratercula Davis
  12. O. gibbera Davis
  13. O. hesperia (Uhler)
  14. O. hirsuta Davis
  15. O. luteobasalis Davis
  16. O. magnifica Davis
  17. O. mariposa mariposa Davis
  18. O. napa Davis
  19. O. nigriviridis Davis
  20. O. nigrodorsata Davis
  21. O. occidentalis (Walker)
  22. O. opacipennis Davis
  23. O. oregona Davis
  24. O. orithyia Bliven
  25. O. ornata Van Duzee
  26. O. pallidula Davis
  27. O. pernix Bliven
  28. O. rhadine Bliven
  29. O. rimosa rimosa (Say)
  30. O. rubrovenosa Davis
  31. O. salicicola Bliven
  32. O. sequoiae Bliven
  33. O. simulata Davis
  34. O. sperata Van Duzee
  35. O. striatipes (Haldeman)
  36. O. synodica synodica (Say)
  37. O. triangulata Davis
  38. O. tristis tristis Van Duzee
  39. O. tristis rubrobasalis Davis
  40. O. uncinata Van Duzee
  41. O. utahensis Davis
  42. O. vanduzeei Distant
  43. O. vandykei Van Duzee
  44. O. venusta Davis
  45. O. villosa Davis
  46. O. vocalis Bliven
  47. O. wymorei Davis 
  • “Cicadas of the genera Okanagana, Tibicinoides and Okanagodes, with descriptions of several new species” (著者William T Davis。Journal of the New York Entomological Society 1919 27(2/3):179頁-223頁)に本種Okanagana merceditaに関する記載を二ヶ所発見;1)187頁より”CC. Marginal cells short; the third one in fore wings about one half as long as second ulnar area adjoining and immediately behind it./H.Both pairs of wings clear except near base./Head including eyes about 5mm. broad. Expands about 40mm…………..mercedita Davis及び2)220頁よりOkanagana mercedita Davis  1915. Journal N.Y. Ento. Soc., xxiii, p.16, pl. 3, fig.8./Only the type, the allotrope and 16 males and 14 females from Merced Co., California, June 18, 1914, have been examined./The short marginal cells in the fore and hind wings of this species, also in O. minute and Tibicionides cupreo-sparsus suggest a close relationship, and we think that they will ultimately be associated in the same genus.  The supplementary transverse vein at the node is also more developed in mercedita and minuta than in most species of Okanagana, though not quite as well defined as in cupreo-sparsus, the type of the genus Tibicinoides.
  • “A PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF THE WEST COAST CICADIDiE.” (著者 E. P. VAN DUZEE,(Journal of the New York Entomological Society, Vol. 23, No. 1 (Mar., 1915), pp. 21- 44) 1)頁27より以下抜粋;Basal areole of the elytra parallel-sided, its apex rectangular. 30. mercedita Davis 2)頁40より以下抜粋;30. Okanagana mercedita Davis, ante./This is a smaller species than the preceding with which it agrees in having rounded supra-antennal plates. The basal areole of the elytra is oblong and square at apex. The colors are clearer than in the preceding species with the pale areas inclined to fulvous in places and more extended. The abdomen is black above with the hind edge of the segments very narrowly paler; the venter is pale with the discal base of the segments blackish and there is a black spot on either side of the last ventral segment of the female; the hind margin of this segment is deeply narrowly excavated almost to its base.  I have seen but a single female specimen, taken in Merced Co., Calif., in June and sent to me for examination by Mr. Davis.
  • 最終的にはnhmに出向いた際に、Okanagana merceditaとTibicinoides mercedita及びOkanagana vanduzeeiの標本を見せてもらって見比べてみるしかない。
  • Cicada Maniaに記載のあるTibicinoides mercedita及びOkanagana vanduzeeiの記述をみる限り、どちらにも合致しない(Okanagana vanduzeei:Description: Black with yellow. Hairy./Eye Color: light white/Pronotal Collar Color: yellow。Tibicinoides mercedita:Description: Brown and orange/Eye Color: brown?)
  • Jeffrey Coleさんに問い合わせてみること。同定をお願いできるのか、あるいは上記2種の間の明らかな相違点、鳴き声の違いについて等々。
  • 採集する前に、まずは録音しておくこと。

Sunday, June 05, 2016

ゴミムシダマシ(Alaetrinus aciculatus)Darkling Beetle

Family Tenebrionidae (Darkling Beetles)
Subfamily Tenebrioninae
Tribe Pedinini
Subtribe Platynotina
Genus Alaetrinus
Species aciculatus (Alaetrinus aciculatus)
  • 060516. US CA LACO SM CF
  • 夕方近くの坂下。トレイルが交錯するベンチ脇。
  • この日は気温が80度近く、あらゆる虫が活発に活動していた。
  • よく芝生で見かける光沢のあるゴミムシとサイズも形も一見似ているが、色がマットで体にも厚みがある点が異なっている。歩き方がゴミムシダマシ特有ののんびりしたリズム。
  • ゴミムシダマシのPlatynotina属を研究されているDARIUSZ IWAN博士によれば本種はカリフォルニア州では外来種扱いなので、最後まで飼育すること。
  • Alaetrinus aciculatus (Le Conte) 。
  • 小さい虫の撮影の腕をあげる練習相手にすること。


論文:"Catalogue of the World Platynotini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)"(DARIUSZ IWAN)
論文:"The Tenebrionidae of California: A Time Sensitive Snapshot Assessment"(Rolf L. Aalbu 1,†, Aaron D. Smith)